557. Raceanu Mihai Adrian



I was born on 29.02.1976 ,in a town by the sea  called  Constanta,in Romania.In 1996 I moved with my parents in a smaller town called Navodari,also by the sea.At the age of twenty-four I have married my wife,Claudia and eight years later our daughter ,Erica Dalia was born.The name Dalia was given to her as a tribute to the great artist Salvador Dali.

  I started painting at the age of 14,going from landscapes to religious icons,then paintings inspired by H.R.Geiger and finally but not last Salvador Dali.I am a self-taught painter and in time I made my own surreal style of painting.

 I have painted over 350 paintings,many of them being  part of private collections in U.S.A,Canada,Austria,Italy,Gremany,France,Belgium,Macau-China  and Romania.

 I also painted for three churches :St.Constantin si Elena -Constanta, the church Marine Institute-Constanta and a serie of 13 icons for Catholic Church in Navodari.

My paintings are inspired by everything that is around us :the name of a song or a movie,an image ,a dream.For many times,at night,before I fall asleep ,I close my eyes and the image of a painting starts to come to life.Next day,I put myself in front of the canvas and start painting what I saw.All of my paintings are made with oil paint on canvas.

 I love what I am doing,I love every single piece of my paintings,in each one is a piece of my heart and hope that people around the world to see what I see.


Art Highschool Constanta

Popular Art School Constanta-Graphics


  • 1994-Army House Constanta,Romania
  • 1998,1999,2001-Capidava,Cernavoda,Romania
  • 2014-Macau,China
  • 2015-Florida,U.S.A
  • 2015-Hong Kong ,China
  • 2015-Constanta,Romania
  • 2015-Buzau,Romania
  • https://www.facebook.com/RaceanuAdi/
  • https://www.facebook.com/welcometomymindevent/
  • http://ishyndar.deviantart.com/gallery/


email: Ishyndar@yahoo.com

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