118. Jamie Preston





Jamie Preston was born November 28, 1983 in Manning, South Carolina. At the age of only four yesrs old is when Jamie started drawing.
As for some artists they go to college to become an artist, but Jamie is very disciplined with learning. In other words, self taught. Jamie has won many awards and contests. As a professional artist, just only in middle school, in 1998 his work has been in The Medieval Times, Myrtle Beach, S.C., 1st place contest in the state of South Carolina… Which was exhibited in their musuem, trip for Manning Middle School, and monetary winnings. Three years prior to this, he met the Governor Beasley of Columbia, S.C. because his extraudinary mix media work won the Savings Bond Contest. Jamie moved to Miami in 2010. His work has been exhibited in many galleries in Pembroke Pines, Florida. He was awarded with a certificate by the mayor in Pembroke Pines, Florida in 2010 and 2011.
Boundaries he sets for himself are none. He works with oil, arcylic, waterpainting, mix media, oil pastels, charcoal, color pencils, and sculpturing. Over the years his work are in private collections. He currently does alot of commision work. To contact him, see some of his great art to get commission work done click on facebook.com/prestonjamie or fine art america.




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