Raymond Domnic Agius

Raymond Domnic Agius

Greta (Il-Qattus)
Oil on Canvas
24″ x 18″
Patiently waiting for Greta I was leafing trough an old magazine where I found an attractive advertisement for jeans. Every so often Greta and I meet for lunch but as usual she was late.<br>We ordered and as we chatted trough the usual subjects she asked what my next painting was going to be of. Without thinking I reached out to the discarded Magazine and thumbed the pages to the picture and nodded at it in serious contemplation.
She ummed and ahhed and I knew she did not think me serious. With a critical eye she declared she owned just such a pair of jeans and it was not her favorite, adding with conviction it was lying in a pile earmarked for a charity. “Besides” she said: “those panties could have been worn by my grand-mother!” “no one wears those anymore”!
“Oh! Said I!” Frowning a little and not wanting to loose the newly found muse I said: “The lingerie looked pretty fine to me and it certainly would turn me on ”I advanced tentatively!
Rolling her eyes in obvious disgust Greta stood up and in a roomful of patrons thumbed the right front of her skirt down well below her hip bone and declared:“These are what should be under that!”
The skimpy, string, patterned panties she exposed were quite stunning but the cartoon cat seeming to be threading its way precariously on a tightrope made my day.
I named the painting in her honor.

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